Friday Issue Nr.110



Svelte 5 finally arrived at the Release Candidate stage! Also, React 19 Beta is here, as is an interesting HTMX review. Apparently, you can describe music notes with CSS, great scroll-driven animation examples, fluid typography and more.

JavaScript News

Why Vite is so popular?

The post goes into detail about why Front-end chooses Vite, but in a nutshell:

React 19 Beta

This release is for the Libraries to prepare for React 19.

Not as exciting as v19, but there is also an update for v18.

React 18.3.0:

Svelte 5 Release Candidate

I believe it when I see it 🙂 But this gives some hope. Also, it's not entirely true that the switch is simple. I definitely ran into problems and decided to wait until the full release.

HTMX review

Quite a good review of the pros and cons of HTMX.

CSS News

Describing music with CSS Grid

Ok, this is quite amazing how far you can push things with CSS. However, I am not sure how one would manage all that without some CMS as HTML becomes really complex, but still really nicely done.

CSS highlight pseudos

The built-in highlights are ::selection, ::target-text, ::spelling-error and ::grammar-error. The post explains how to use them and what exactly is highlighted.

Scroll-driven animation examples

This one deserves bookmarking as loads of interesting examples.

Things that can break aspect-ratio in CSS

This is a very good post on some “issues.” Chris explains all those strange behaviours, which, in the end, make sense. For example, setting image width and not height or letting flex box stretch items would cancel aspect-ratio.

Quick Accessibility Tweaks

Very good reminder about semantic HTML. For example, replace DIVs with

Andris Švarcs

Somehow, I've survived over 15 years as a web developer without losing my interest in the craft. Quite the opposite, with so many great improvements in the Web standards, what was nearly impossible now is easy to make.

My career has been a wild ride through small agencies and big corporations, building everything from finance apps to health dashboards.

I'm that annoying person who needs to understand products beyond just slinging code. I ask questions like 'Why is this feature important?' and 'How will this improve the customer journey?' – you know, the kind of questions that make project managers reach for the pint aspirin. This curiosity has led me down the rabbit holes of design, accessibility, and SEO. Because apparently, making websites pretty, usable, and findable wasn't challenging enough on its own.

P.S. If this bio sounds too polished, blame my evil AI twin. I'm still working on teaching it sarcasm.

Copyright © since 2021, Andris Švarcs. All rights reserved.

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