This week came with loads of excellent and very diverse posts. Excellent story about Dropbox, Web Components, and Barba.js, as well as a post about Algorithms and Data Structures, React Suspense. Also, check in CSS news Bezier Curves - crazy good post!
In short, Dropbox chose Rollup. It is not clear, why not Vite since it is based on the Rollup anyway.
“The thing is, a lot of big companies are not on social media (Twitter/X, Reddit, etc.) trying to sell you on web components or teach you how to use them. On the other hand, there are plenty of tech influencers on Twitter busily keeping up to date with every minor version of React…”
I used this library many years ago, and it was already excellent. I'm glad to learn they are still going strong. With only 7kb, you can create SPA-like transitions for any website. Their website itself has loads of transitions and features.
Bun v0.8.0 adds debugger support, implements fetch streaming, and unblocks SvelteKit.
Looks like Bun is getting ready for v1 this September!
Fantastic animation and a great explanation of the topic. If not reading, enjoy the animations.
TAG: CSS, Animations
Well, the ideal viewport doesn’t exist. It is a nicely cooked website with fancy animations. However, the information is even more enjoyable. Good Friday’s read on accessibility!
Here is some more info on the same subject:
A bunch of CSS selectors with accommodating visual explanations. One of the selectors made me slightly jump. I didn’t know that this selector (*+*) is called a → Lobotomised owl. Crazy.
I opened it and scrolled but wasn’t able to read it through. It is not a post. It is a book. Nice effort, though.
This is a low-level way to reuse waste heat - a fun fact: the startup is based in Godalming, where Avanade has an office. I bet my Mac saves me already on heating when I run my current project.